The Jews of today: Who are they?


During the Roman siege of Jerusalem in 70 CE, Yohanan ben Zakkai foresaw that the city and the Temple would fall. According to tradition, he devised a daring plan to escape: he had himself smuggled out of the city in a coffin, claiming to be dead. Once outside, he went to the Roman camp and met with Vespasian, the Roman general (soon to become emperor). Yohanan is said to have addressed Vespasian as emperor, and when Vespasian indeed became emperor shortly after, he granted Yohanan a request. The Request for Yavneh: Yohanan did not ask for the preservation of Jerusalem or the Temple, knowing it was impossible. Instead, he asked for: Yavneh and its scholars: A place to establish a center for Jewish learning and leadership. The survival of the rabbinic court: To ensure continuity of Jewish legal and spiritual authority. Protection for the descendants of Rabbi Gamaliel, a prominent family of scholars. Vespasian agreed, allowing Yohanan to establish Yavneh as a new center for Jewish life. Yavneh as the Center of Judaism Religious and Educational Reforms: In Yavneh, Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai and other scholars redefined Jewish practices to adapt to a post-Temple reality. They emphasized: Torah study as the central act of worship. Prayer and synagogue gatherings as replacements for Temple sacrifices. Halakhah (Jewish law): Codifying and interpreting Jewish laws to guide daily life. The Development of Rabbinic Judaism: Yavneh became the birthplace of Rabbinic Judaism, shifting the focus from priests (kohanim) and Temple rituals to rabbis and Torah study. This model enabled Judaism to survive and thrive in the Diaspora, ensuring its continuity for centuries. The Sanhedrin in Yavneh: The rabbinic court (Sanhedrin) was re-established in Yavneh, where decisions were made about Jewish law and tradition. Key debates about the Jewish calendar, canonization of biblical texts, and other religious matters occurred here. Legacy of Yohanan ben Zakkai and Yavneh Preservation of Judaism: Yohanan’s vision allowed Judaism to transition from a Temple-centered faith to one that could exist without a central sanctuary. His leadership ensured that Jewish identity and traditions were not lost despite the Roman devastation. Institutionalization of Rabbinic Leadership: Yavneh established the rabbinic model of leadership, with a focus on scholarship, interpretation of the Torah, and the application of Jewish law. A Symbol of Resilience: The story of Yohanan ben Zakkai and Yavneh symbolizes Jewish adaptability and resilience in the face of destruction and exile. Conclusion Yavneh and Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkai represent one of the most critical turning points in Jewish history. By shifting the focus of Jewish life from the Temple to Torah study, prayer, and community, they ensured the survival and flourishing of Judaism after the destruction of the Second Temple. Their efforts laid the foundation for modern Judaism as it exists today. The genealogy of Yohanan ben Zakkai is not extensively detailed in historical or rabbinic sources. Unlike other prominent figures in Jewish history, such as Hillel the Elder or the House of David, Yohanan's lineage is not a focal point of his legacy. What is known about him primarily comes from rabbinic literature, which emphasizes his scholarship, leadership, and role in shaping post-Temple Judaism rather than his ancestry. He was a student of Hillel and Shammai and became one of the leading figures of his time. More videos and livestreams about the fake Jews to come. Let's dig deep and expose the lies of the religious! If you want to support my work against all organised religion consider joining my Patreon at or become a member of our youtube community Both groups offer extra perks.

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