Talking to a Unitarian about Jesus Christ

How to hear from God

This is a conversation I had on YouTube with a unitarian, who has been deceived into thinking that Jesus is a mere mortal created human being... 

This is my reply to him...

When we are born again we are sons of God, reconciled back to God in His Spirit. 

You said “The Bible says that God manifested his love by sending his Son, it doesn’t say that God sent himself.”

1. The bible is not written for those who are not yet born again. Everyone who has not heard the gospel yet and accepted it, is not yet born again. The bible is written in such a way that only born again children of God can understand it because it is Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, in us, the Only Teacher, who teaches us as we read.

Everyone else will just pick up the bible and read father and son and think “ah two persons”

This is not a spiritual revelation, this is a CARNAL CONCLUSION.

2. We are not to read the bible and figure out who Jesus is. We are to HEAR the gospel of peace and love and BELIEVE it. Have FAITH in the Lord God Almighty who is GOOD (meaning He Himself went to the cross = Self sacrifice). 

But as it stands very few people know the true gospel of love and peace because the devil has created many different gospels, different jesus, that will lead to a different faith, a dead faith, unable to save you.

3. When we hear and believe the gospel of peace and love, we become born again. This is the gospel of peace and love, turn from your own selfish ways and believe and you will be born again and the Lord will dwell in you and teach you:

4. We are to REPENT first, this means we are to make the path of the Lord straight, which means we turn from ALL idolatry which we have put before the ONE LORD GOD. That includes trinity, unitarianism and any other fleshly desires. Because all fleshly desires come from our stony (selfish) heart and lead to selfish actions (which is sin)

When you have turned from your wicked selfish ways you BELIEVE. Believe what? Surely even Mormons “believe in Jesus Christ”. And this is where the devil has come in and deceived many. Because it is through our BELIEF, our FAITH that we receive the saving grace.

I would love you to be able to just believe, blind faith, that God went to the cross, God would bless you so much, but the deceptions are so deep, I will explain to you why Jesus is God. But I will not debate about it. You can then accept it or leave it. But if you are unable to accept the gospel of love and peace, and enter into a new religion, the Lord will continue to rebuke you, as He does with all, for He wants all to come to repentance.

5. The reason the bible is written in such a way, is to be a double edged sword. Those who believe that Jesus is God, will understand everything in it, because God teaches His children, but to those who are proud and do not want to submit to God who came as a servant to teach by example, the Way to eternal life is hidden from them. And not just that, but to those the bible is like a huge weight around their neck, which will pull them into hell. Because they have made the bible an idol, instead of coming to Jesus Christ so that they may have life. John 5:39

They have a veil over their eyes. These people pick up the bible and read father and son and figure “ah two people!” or in trinity’s case, three people. This is not a spiritual revelation but a carnal conclusion. Do not be deceived! The carnal mind is an enemy of God for a reason!

To continue the gospel: You believe that God went to the cross. This is foolishness to those who perish but the power of God to those who are being saved. 1 Corinthians 1:18 Remember with God all things are possible.

Ask yourself, why is it that the trinity says that Jesus is God yet denies that the ONE Lord God went to the cross? Why make it a three person god? Ask Jesus that question, friend. He will give you eyes to see. It is the very same reason that unitarians deny that Jesus is the ONE Lord God. Because what matters is the belief in LOVE that will save you (remember it is the LOVE of God that has fulfilled the law which brings death) That is why satan doesn’t want you to know about the LOVE of God. Satan tries to distort it and pervert it so the end result is a faith in anything BUT the One Lord God going to the cross.

Satan HATES this gospel of love, he doesn’t want anyone to know and BELIEVE it, because through this faith you will be born again. That is why the Lord explains to His children how exactly to discern the ANTI (instead of ) Christ spirit in 1 John 4 and 1 John 2.

It is for our edification but not for the unbeliever, they can not understand it and fall back onto their carnal reasoning.

6. Who is the Son and Father? It is not persons. Friend, you MUST seek and worship God in SPIRIT and TRUTH. Please put TRUTH above all. And worship God in SPIRIT for He is SPIRIT. He is SPIRIT. Not 1 or 2 or 3 persons. John 4:24

7. Because God is SPIRIT, His word is no different from Him. It is also SPIRIT. This is a SPIRITUAL teaching. Remember, The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1 Corinthians 2:14. Submit to God the Spirit of Truth (Jesus Christ) and He will take the veil of your eyes and fill you with His joy and peace.

God writes “word became flesh” for the same reason that He writes, the LAMB of God that was slain, the holy arm of the Lord made bare, the arm of the Lord that was revealed, the son coming forth from the father, These are all SPIRITUAL teachings to edify His children who already know that God is SPIRIT and this SPIRIT was made manifest in the flesh. LAMB being flesh of GOD, God being SPIRIT. WORD being Spirit that became FLESH. The ARM (FLESH) of the LORD (SPIRIT) that was made bare etc…

So Father and Son is the same SPIRITUAL TEACHING. “He will build a house for My Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever. 14I will be his Father, and he will be My son. 2 Samuel 7:16

“Behold, the Man whose name is the BRANCH!

From His place He shall branch out, 

And He shall build the temple of the Lord;

13 Yes, He shall build the temple of the Lord.

He shall bear the glory,

And shall sit and rule on His throne;

So He shall be a priest on His throne,

And the counsel of peace shall be between them both.” Zech 6

I chose these scriptures to show you that this “man” who has many different ways He is described, comes down to earth and dwells in His temple (His children) and the counsel of peace is between Him, our bridegroom, and us, His bride. 

He gives us peace not of this world, but everlasting peace.

All teachings about Son and Father are based on the belief that God is ONE and He Himself LOVED us (which is self sacrifice John 15,13)He came to earth and manifested in a flesh of no reputation, to defeat evil with GOOD. Please ask the Lord about GOOD. GOODness is not sending someone else to die, but to taking saying, “no, I will go” Just like we are commanded by God to lay down our lives for our friends, so did god do the same, because He is not a hypocrite nor a murderer. Satan is the hypocrite and murderer. That is why satan wants you to believe in selfish murder, so that he can come and sit in the temple of God instead of God Jesus Christ.

who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. 2 Thes 2.4

So you see, the murderer satan, the antichrist spirit, comes in through faith in selfish murder. The Holy spirit will come in through faith in serving LOVE. That is how LOVE has fulfilled the law which brings death. This is a truly wonderful gift but I wont go into that right now.

I hope you are able to see how important it is what you believe, what you put your faith in. Selfish murder = satan, serving self sacrifice = Holy Spirit

You will receive that in which you believe. And God give His saving grace only to those who are humble. The proud cannot accept that the Almighty God, the Most High, would come as a servant to earth and humble Himself to death.

8. To come back to the gospel…

When you believe in the love of God, you believe in the ACT of what God did for you, that HE went to the cross and died for you and rose again. What is important is that HE went to the cross. So many people don’t realise how important it is that they know WHAT Jesus went to the cross, all they have been told is to accept that Jesus died on the cross and rose again. But in the scriptures God edifies His children when He writes…

For if someone comes and proclaims a Jesus other than the One we proclaimed, or if you receive A DIFFERENT SPIRIT than the One you received, or a different gospel than the one you accepted, you put up with it way too easily. 2 Corinthians 11:4

God did not write the bible for unbelievers to read it and be saved by reading it. He wants us to HEAR the gospel and believe it first. Otherwise the bible is useless. Reading it with a carnal mind will just result in thousands of different “Christian” denominations… But those who are born of God are of the same mind, in all things, because our head is Christ.

9. After you believe, you will receive a new mind, the humble serving mind of Christ, a new heart, the same humble SERVING heart of Christ, a new Spirit, the same humble SERVING Holy Spirit. You are a new creature one who now is one with the bridegroom and hears His voice and follows Him. And because your heart mind spirit has been changed, you too are now able to no longer be selfish (sin) but humble and SERVING (which is love, the opposite of sin)

This can only happen after you have been born again. You are now able to truly LOVE/serve God and LOVE/serve your neighbour. And on those two commandments hang all the all.

This all is only possible through FAITH in the LOVE of God.

10. Therefore the Love of God is the Gospel, IS Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the SPIRITUAL refuge that God Almighty created when He came to earth and went to the cross. Jesus Christ is the SPIRITUAL refuge that we can enter into through faith in the LOVE of God, so that we are SAVED from the wrath that is to come.

That is why Jesus Christ came in the LIKENESS of a man, He wasn’t a human being, no egg nor sperm used to create Him, neither was He made out of soil, but the last adam was a SPIRIT. So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being;” the last Adam a life-giving SPIRIT. 1 Corinthians 15:45

And the reason why God came down Himself is so we could be reconciled back to him again. Remember, He made us a LIVING soul, because our soul was one with the Holy live giving Spirit in the garden. But through our sin, we were separated from God (Holy Spirit)

Now on earth we are a lost soul, spiritually dead, and satan comes as a fake angel of light (fake Holy Spirit) so that we let him enter into God’s temple through our faith!

That is why we have to repent first, before we believe in the Love of God, so that we let go of this believe in idolatry. When we turn from our idolatry the devil has no foothold in us and Jesus Christ (the Holy Spirit) will cast the unclean spirits out. Then God Himself will dwell in us and we are one with Him, seal again for His kingdom. Remember, the kingdom of heaven dwells within the believer. Luke 17:21 

That is why y ou have to be born again, to become one again with the bridegroom, so that when you fall asleep, the Spirit in you, will take you into the kingdom of heaven. If you have an unclean spirit in you, if you are yoked with an unlean spirit/s you will go where that unclean spirit/demon takes you.

Please humble yourself before Jesus Christ and take all things to Him so He can teach you.

1 John 4 talks to the believers who already know who God is. Because we can only love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4.19

This refers back to what I have written about earlier, that we are only to love/serve/lay down our life for God and our neighbour, AFTER we KNOW/believe that He first LOVED/served/laid down His life for us.

So when God tells us that In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. We understand that this love that was made visible is not a separate person who was created, but SPIRIT which was made visible, which took on flesh. Again, it refers back to the previous teaching about LAMB of God, ARM of the Lord etc…It is the SPIRIT taking on flesh.

Is this SPIRIT a different spirit to God, no. It is the same Spirit, the words son and father are used to speak an act that happened in the spiritual realm. The carnal mind cannot understand the things of God. That is why we must first be born again.

Jesus Christ was in two places at the same time John 3.13. Heaven and earth. This is another SPIRITUAL teaching that explains that the Holy Spirit was in heaven (Father) and on earth (Son) at the same time.

We have to read the bible in one, and let it interpret itself. If the greatest act of love is self sacrifice, then the God of LOVE did not send someone else to the cross. And if we cannot understand that, we must seek Him in humility truth and SPIRIT and ask Him to teach us, not join a religion that explains it to us. Because SATAN is in this world, friend. He is just waiting for you to turn to your own proud understanding so he can snatch the word of the kingdom away from you again. Matthew 13,19 When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart.

God has many parables in which He explains His selfless love toward us, coming as a servant and teacher, who destroyed evil with good. But those parables are hidden from your eyes, friend, until you repent and believe.

Ask yourself, why is it so difficult for you to believe this self ssacrifice? Take all things to Jesus Christ in humility.

You said “God is not a Man and God can’t die, so he had to send his Son to die.”

This is correct. That is why Jesus came in the LIKENESS of a man Phil2.7. He is the Holy One of Israel who was born out into the world, not created Luke 1.35

When God was in the flesh and died on the cross, He did not cease to exist, just as we do not cease to exist. Our heart stops, our lungs stop etc and our flesh rots. But our soul lives on. So it is with God when He was in the flesh, He did not cease to exist but He breathed His last. That is why Jesus says the FLESH PROFITS nothing, but the SPIRIT gives live John 6.63

You said “And we need a mediator to access to the Father. The Father is too holy and righteous to approach, sin can’t be in his sight. So he sent his Son and his Son bore our sins upon the cross and shed his blood and died.”

Jesus is the hen who gathers her chicks underneath His wings, He is the Shepherd who gathers His lost sheep back into the flock, He is the eternal sabbath we enter into, the kingdom of heaven on earth, to be one with Him again and reconciled to Himself again. Jesus Christ is not a human being, or person, but He is a SPIRITUAL constellation (for lack of a better word) He is the GOSPEL, what God did for us, so if we believe in this act, we can enter into Him.

You said” Jesus said “Greater Love hath no MAN than this that a MAN lay down his life for his friends”. A man laid down his life, not a god or God himself”

This is a SPIRITUAL teaching which tells us about the greatest act of love not about the man. Other versions do not say “man” in fact the closest translation is “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” Which shows a bit better (hopefully) that this is not about MAN but about the ACT of love. And God being the God of LOVE and the greatest act of love being self sacrifice…. Well… I hope you can see the link….

All the best, may Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9,6) the Everlasting FATHER and Counsellor (John14,26) bless you and your family.


  1. First of all Jesus is not God let's start with that
    1. Jesus Christ is the Saviour, but the word Christ does not mean Saviour it means "Anointed One" it's simple Greek. The word Messiah means the same thing

    2. Jesus said that His Father is the only true God. Jesus said that the Father is greater than Him. The Bible says in Revelation 3:14 that Jesus is the Beginning of the creation of God.
    Is God a created being?
    Jesus said that He is the son of God

    3. I listened to your video and I'm guessing that's why you turned the comments off because you don't like to be corrected.
    Jesus is called the Son of God because the Spirit of God caused His human birth it's that simple (Luke 1:35). Jesus is called the Son of Man because of humanity, because His mother was a human.
    Stop over complicating things.

  2. Stop going to worldly dictionaries for your insight, become born again and go to Jesus the Christ, He will teach you all you need to know.

    Also, you have plenty of opportunity here or on the forum to leave your FAKE NEWS. Have a good day.


Before posting, remember, God is watching you.