What is God's good news?

God is Love

This is the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ. Believe it so you may be saved:

God, who is Spirit, set Himself apart (John 17.19), meaning, He dwelled in heaven and on earth at the same time (John 3.13). In heaven (Father) and on earth in a flesh of no reputation (Son)

The reason He came to earth was to establish His kingdom on earth, so He could reconcile us back to Himself (2 Corinthians 5.18/19). (Sin separates us from God and separation from God means eternal damnation)

When God was Father & Son as described in the bible (the bible is only for those who are already born again), He was not two entities but One entity (Holy Spirit) who dwelled in two places at the same time. And God called this spiritual constellation Father and Son (2 Samuel 7.14)

Now that God dwelled on earth, without leaving heaven, He was in a flesh body, just like us. He dwelled among us and spoke TRUTH. That is why He is called the word of God who became flesh in John 1.

While in the flesh body, He gave Himself the name of Jesus, that by this name we may be saved and every knee shall bow to the glory of God Most High.

When Jesus was in the flesh He submitted Himself to His own creation, He was under the law, prayed yet He did not sin. He was humiliated from the time He entered the fetus to the point of death on the cross. 

His holy blood was the final sacrifice and payment for our eternal sins against the eternal Most High God. 

When you turn from your own wicked ways and believe in the love of God (the self sacrifice of God on the cross) that was manifested on earth (Jesus) and His resurrection, your sins will be forgiven and God Himself will dwell in you, reconciling you back to Himself (John 14.3)

You will be sealed for the kingdom of heaven, you will hear the voice of God and He will lead you into holiness.

All glory to Jesus Christ, Most High God. Hallelujah


  1. I just listened to your response to my last question and you're right. I've been trying to figure God out without the Holy Spirit and I have received revelation from God that He is one but I know other questions I have can only be answered by Him when I give my life to Him. So what do I do? How do I start?

  2. When you believe that you need forgiveness and you believe that God's blood paid for your sins so you can be forgiven, and you believe that He rose again and is alive, then you have believed the good news and can ask Him to baptise you with His Holy Spirit of Truth.
    Only Jesus Himself baptises us with His Holy Spirit of Truth.
    When your heart is pure, without a selfish agenda, He will baptise you.
    This means He will then dwell in you and start to teach you things you need to know.
    Then walk in this faith every day in all you do, that the Lord is good. Meaning the Lord sacrificed Himself for you, which means that He is GOOD, perfect and all what He does and will do is also good. Rest in that belief and knowledge and act without fear.

    As soon as you force any other knowledge and wisdom, God will not show you anything not because He is cruel but because He will always move aside as soon as you want to do your own will.
    So the best thing to do is live your life serving God praying and loving God and your neighbour (self sacrifice).
    The Lord is where there is GODLY love (self sacrifice, selflessness) He will reveal Himself to you in HIS own time, you will get used to His voice and grow.

    In regards to giving your life to Him, He will show you that too. Walk in faith that He is good and therefore faithful and that He will show you. Do not be anxious for nothing.
    Remember, the Lord will continue to purify sanctify you. He will make you a beautiful living sacrifice to Him to His glory. Just as He sacrificed Himself for us.

    1. Ms. Maia, if God leads all believers who accept Him into all Truth then why do most believers adhere to the trinity? why is it that you can still feel the power of God in trinitarian churches? I attended this prophetic church, though they believe in the Trinity, you can tell that these people have the Holy Spirit within them. So why is it so? Does God really care about whether one is oneness or trinitarian or even unitarian or does He care that you have a heart to serve Him?

    2. Hi, I will do a livestream tonight, addressing your important questions.
      6.30 PM Irish time


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