The Truth Shall Make You Free from Sin

Is Jesus the Spirit of Truth
God Almighty made a testament/will in the OT with us that we should inherit His kingdom. So for this testament/will to be activated the testator has to die. For where there is a testament, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. Hebrews 9.16.
That is why God Almighty had to die on the cross (He didn't cease to exist just like we do not cease to exist when we die) but He died in the flesh so that He could spill HIS holy blood 

Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. Acts 20.28 
so that whoever believes in this gift of LOVE (self sacrifice John 15.13, Romans 5.8) should receive His Holy Spirit and be sealed for the kingdom (receive the inheritance)

You must believe in the Christ, the LOVE (self sacrifice/death) of God manifested in the flesh because it was the love of God that fulfilled the law that brings death.

Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law. 9 For the commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not bear false witness,” “You shall not covet,” and if there is any other commandment, are all summed up in this saying, namely, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” 10 Love does no harm to a neighbour; therefore love is the fulfilment of the law. Romans 13
So if you believe in the love (self sacrifice/death) of God in the flesh, the death of the testator, you will be born again and receive His inheritance, His Holy Spirit and will no longer be under the law.

Trinity and unitarianism (and all other religions) will lead you therefore to hell because both doctrines demand a faith, in which a separate father sends his separate son to the cross. Whoever believes in this, whoever puts their faith in this sacrifice of an other, does not believe in the selfless self sacrificing Love of God, and will therefore not receive the Spirit of God but the spirit of the selfish (satanic) anti (in stead of) Christ. 

God is SPIRIT and when He came to earth, He was still in heaven at the same time 

No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. John 3.13
That is how God Most High Himself was able to go to the cross and spill His holy blood and therefore activate the testament/will.

This is the gospel of peace which is based on the love of God. All I have told you is biblical. 

Please feel free to get in touch with me, if you want to know more. 

I can also be found on:

Be blessed in the Everlasting Father Jesus Christ



  1. If Jesus is God, then was He praying to Himself?
    If Jesus is God, then who made Jesus the High Priest? Because (Hebrew 5:5) says that the Father made Jesus the High Priest not Jesus

  2. The mention of Father and Son in the bible is telling a SPIRITUAL act about what God did on earth as it is in heaven, not a carnal act of two separate entities

  3. Maia, don't waste your time with Ashanti, this person plagued my channel with their stupid questions and refused to accept the truth. You'd get better results talking to a wall.

    1. no worries, i write it for those lost sheep :)

    2. @TheBereanGirl, if you can't answer a question then just say that. All my questions were sincere, if you didn't know the answer then just say that

    3. Ashanti, I more than answered your endless "sincere" (actually spiritually stupid) questions, but you refused to accept the truthful answers. If you can't accept the truth of my answers to your "sincere" questions then just say that. The fact is Ashanti, you love lies,and because you are not one of the LORD's sheep here you are asking the same "sincere" questions and Maia will only answer the same way I did, because we are both saved by the same God, the Lord Jesus Christ. You are probably plaguing other oneness channels and blogs spewing the same "sincere" questions to only be a thorn in their sides, claiming to be "sincere" all the while having no intention of accepting the truth that we all proclaim. And then when they call you out, as I am, you will say the same dumb thing, "If you can't answer a question then just say that." Fool and blind! You will perish if you don't repent of your pride (feigned humility) and accept the simple gospel truth, that Jesus Christ is God the Father in the flesh.

  4. Hi FSS...
    The destruction of Old Jerusalem was documented by Josephis, a Jewish scribe, hired by the Roman's to document. He was not a Christian but converted after witnessing this. His works are available in written volumes or can be listened to from audio books on YouTube, called, the War of the Jews. I tried to listen but it was so bad I didn't want the images in my mind.
    Nero Ceasar was the emperor at the beginning of the war, and committed suicide in 68ad, at a time when Titus was marching to Jerusalem with legions. When they got word, of the suicide they returned to Rome to contend for the crown. There was civil war in Rome in what is called the year of the 4 emperors...
    The gramatra for Neros' name is 666. The year of the 4 emperors was 68-69 ad. All this can be verified by googling it. Jerusalem was destroyed in 70ad. When Titus 1st returned to Rome, the Christians fled, according to Jesus instruction, and not one was caught in the seige of Jerusalem. This war lasted 3 1/2 years, or 1260 days, or a time times and a 1/2 of times, all mentioned in Revelation. The year of the 4 emperors, would be where Revelation talks of the heads of the beast, they were kings. One was, one is, one will come for a little while. Nero was the one who is, then committed suicide with a sword. (see rev. 13).
    In rev. Ch. 22 it says do not seal the prophecy of this book, for these things must shortly take place, the time is at hand. This provides evidence of the date Revelation was written.
    Babaylon of rev. Ch.18 was said to have the blood of the prophets and saints on her hands. Jesus said, it is impossible for a prophet to be killed anywhere but Jerusalem. Right after this is the wedding supper of the Lamb. This supper is still taking place these days, as the New Covenant, in Hebrews 8, is that Covenant. Entering within the veil, is the unveiling. A marriage needs a Covenant. Marriage is the At-one-ment. Forgive my rambling. I like your devotion. 💌

  5. This is amazing... I will need time to pray about this... but much of what you say (everything?) makes sense....
    I also know that it is true that we are married to our bridegroom now, because that is what happened to me. I am one with Him now. Jesus is here again in the flesh of His children Hallelujah the second coming when I was changed in a twinkling of an eye.
    I will copy this text and post it underneath the video under your comment.


    1. Hi Fss...
      The 2 Covenants and the 2nd Blessing, is a 110 page book from 1898 by Andrew Murray.
      It led me to a supernatural encounter with JESUS. IT can be googled for free by title and add, bible study tools...
      read the prefix, I believe it will capture your interest. Hope this comment sticks, they keep disappearing. 💌

    2. If you accept it than the generation of the apostles passed before the siege they would be over 100 years old by that time

  6. how do I get in touch with you to know more? Im really confused. I got worse from churches do i send a private message?

    1. Hi friend, I replied to your message o the forum


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